The City of Minneapolis wants public feedback on a draft plan to make Minneapolis a better arts and creative city. For the past 18 months, a team of artists, City staff, elected officials, community members and many creative minds has examined the past and current state of arts and culture in Minneapolis.
An online version of all the material in the exhibit is available. A public comment period runs from Sept. 17 to Nov.1. Feedback will help inform the final plan and implementation. Go to creativeminneapolis.org.
The Creative City Road Map planning process was initiated by the City of Minneapolis’ Art, Culture and the Creative Economy program as a way to chart the path and set the agenda for arts and culture in our city for the next 10 years. The Creative City Road Map will identify how art and creativity can strengthen the city’s economic and social development, articulating where the power of art and cultural activities can connect people across differences of race, income, culture and age to foster deeper and more lasting relationships, and improve Minneapolis’ quality of life.
Minneapolis has tremendous arts assets and public support for arts activities. Minneapolitans know that their city is infused with creative energy. From internationally recognized theater productions to community art projects that transform neighborhoods, the arts are a critical element of what makes Minneapolis vibrant. A 2013 study measured Minneapolis’ share of creative jobs, arts spending, and creative for-profit and nonprofit organizations. The study quantified the impact of Minneapolis’ creative industries, and the Creative City Road Map process is the next step in capitalizing on the sector’s strengths and identifying areas to focus on.