FNA is here to serve: Call 612-521-2100; email: info@folwell.org; website: www.folwell.org ; FNA
Office: 1206 37th Ave. N., M-Th., 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., David Brown, Chair-FNA.
October Board Meeting: Monday, October 5, 6:30 p.m., FNA office.
FNA Annual Meeting: Monday, November 2, 6:30 p.m. at Folwell Park. Annual report is read and FNA board elections are held. If you are interested in serving on the Folwell Board more information will be available and a Candidate Information Form needs to be completed. Call 612-521-2100 with questions and ask for Roberta. Open positions will be confirmed after the October 5 Board meeting.
FNA/WCNO Office: Free fax, copy and notary public services Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fax pages limited to 12.
Senior Leaf Rake: Begins the first weekend in November. Register now: at 612-521-2100 for this free service. The leaves are raked, bagged (bags are provided) and put at the alley line for pickup.
October 12. Columbus Day. Office closed
Camden Community Historical Society: Meets Wednesday, October 21, 6:30 p.m. at a Camden restaurant to be determined at the September 16 meeting. Call 612-521-2100 for location. The October meeting will be another in the series of “Show and Tell Socials” to which community members bring in historical artifacts, photos, or stories to share.