Garage/Rummage Sale, Salem Lutheran Church, 4150 Dupont Ave. N. Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Furniture, household items, kitchen wares, plus many miscellaneous items. (No clothing.)
Housecleaning. 20 years’ experience. Reasonable rates. Call Amy, 612-417-5803.
Handyman/Repairs/Remodeling. Propel Enterprises LLC. 612-310-7097. Accepting major credit cards.
Carpet Cleaning, $20 a room. Any Size or Condition! 763-688-5707.
Furniture re-upholstery. Save grandma’s chair and sofa! Owner/ operator, 45 years experience. Dave, 612-721-5105 or cell 612-636-3073.
Carpet and upholstery cleaning. Save 30%! Two rooms starting at $59. Owner/operator, 45 years experience. Dave, 612-721-5105 or cell 612-636-3073.
Home improvement supplies and equipment rental. Everything you need at Penn and Lowry. Northendhardware.com.
Buying or selling a home? A realtor with 25 years of experience can do it. Visit Bainhomes.com.
Need a new do? Quality hair care and friendly service at Hair Fair, 3858 Thomas, 612-521-2466.
Rolling-On sells and repairs scooters and powerchairs. 4611 Lyndale, 612-385-1304.
Crystal Lake Cemetery, one of the oldest and largest in the metro, offers full service care. 612-521-7619 or washburn-mcreavy.com.
High quality, full-service veterinary care for over 30 years. Camdenpet.com.
Who sells Camden? Steph sells Camden. See virtual tours of all listings at stephaniegruver.com.
What are you stepping on? Your Way Flooring offers floors done your way. Check out yourwayflooring.com.
Geno’s offers sewer and drain cleaning for as low as $89. Call 763-792-2999.
Help Wanted
Reimbursed Senior Volunteer Position: Lutheran Social Service Foster Grandparent & Senior Companion Programs are seeking volunteers 55+ willing to visit isolated adults to provide in home companionship and transportation OR serve as a mentor and tutor to children at school and early learning sites nearby. Tax-free stipend, mileage reimbursement and other benefits. Contact Sara Koch, 651.310.9448 or Sara.Koch@lssmn.org.