7th Annual Victory Garden Tour
Join us for our annual Victory Neighborhood Garden Tour on Sunday, August 2. This year the tour will kick off with a garden party at the Butterfly Gardens of Loring School – 2600 44th Avenue N. Meet us at the garden for light snacks and lemonade at noon accompanied by music by our very own Gary Anderson. Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions.
The tour features five gardens in the Victory neighborhood. The gardens will be open from 1 p.m. through 4 p.m. At each garden, you will be able to talk with the homeowner, and hear and learn about their successes and failures of gardening in Victory. Pick up your tour brochure at the Butterfly Gardens as you walk, bike or drive the self-guided tour.
New this year will also be a photo contest. Victory’s own expert garden photographer, Alyssa Murphy, will be on hand at Loring from noon to 1 p.m. to provide tips and hints to take beautiful garden photos. After the tour, post the photos on our Garden Tour Facebook page for the chance to win a prize from one of our local businesses. Details of the contest will be available in the tour brochure.
Make sure to “like” the Victory Neighborhood Garden Tour on Facebook for photos of previous years as well as updates for this year.
Music in the Heart of Victory
Join your neighbors for our 10th year of Music in the Heart of Victory. Bring your lawn chairs to the ‘patio’ of The Warren, 4400 Osseo Road on Fridays, August 7 and August 14 to enjoy supper and musical entertainment by local artists. For the line-up of artists and food vendors see our ad in this issue of the Camden News.
Camden Farmers Market – Expanded Market
Every Thursday, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
4400 Osseo Road