Save the dates! List of some upcoming events and volunteer opportunities in McKinley
3rd Annual McKinley Community Rummage Sale is August 22! And it is a bake sale too!
Again this year we are going to be collecting gently-used items to sell during our Community Rummage Sale here in the community offices, with all the money going to help fund community events like National Night Out, Movie Nights, Community Meetings and more.
Just drop off any gently used items at 3300 Lyndale Ave. North–either in the office or if we are closed you can drop items off in the back of the building.
If you want to drop items off for the bake sale, please drop them off the morning of the event and wrap items individually for single sales.
We will be having the rummage and bake sale on Saturday, August 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., so please save the date and stop on by and check out what is for sale! And buy some treats.
Community Trash Pick-up Nights- (Weather may cause cancellations.)
- August 10, 6:30 p.m., meet at 3300 Lyndale Ave. N. We will pick up trash on Lowry and 33rd North from 4th to Dupont Ave. N.
**We will provide bags; just bring some gloves. Snacks provided after the event.**
Going on now! McKinley Community Mini-Market Days
Starting June 20 and running through October, the McKinley Community CSA and up to four other vendors will be selling fresh produce and other goods at 3300 Lyndale Avenue North in the back parking lot area. Market hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It’s a mini-farmers market right here in the neighborhood.
**The McKinley Urban Farm Staff will also be at the Broadway Ave. Farmers Market on Fridays through September; stop by, say hi and buy some produce.**
McKinley Calendar of Events
McKinley Community General Meeting Monday, August 3, 7 p.m., 3300 Lyndale Ave. North
McKinley Board of Directors Meeting Monday, August 17, 6:30 p.m., 3300 Lyndale Ave. North