Message Line: 612-588-7641 LindBohanonNA@aol.com
Thursday, Aug. 6, LBNA Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Webber Park community building
Please see our monthly newsletter/website for any updates.
Tuesday, Aug. 4 is National Night Out so the LBNA Crime and Safety Meeting will be cancelled for Aug. See you in Sept.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, LBNA Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Webber Park
Lind Bohanon Neighborhood lost one of its own on July 16, 2015. Susan Spiller was taken from us in a home invasion. She was an active member of the neighborhood, the Northside Arts collective and Greyhound Pets of America. She was one of the founders of our community garden and has been active with the neighborhood organization for years. She will be dearly missed by so many.
LBNA Crime and Safety Committee new program
We have a new program working with 4th Precinct’s Tim Hammett to help cut down on burglaries; the neighborhood will pay 1/2 up to $200 cost of products such as deadbolts, strike plates, window locks, motion lights etc. Please visit our website or call for more information.
Free Family Fundays on Sundays at Carl Kroening Interpretive Center
4900 Mississippi Court N, 1-3 p.m.
Every Sunday, Three Rivers Park District Carl Kroening Interpretive Center has fun family activities
for the whole family to enjoy! For the month of Aug. they feature: Aug. 2, Miniature Enchanted Forests; Aug. 9 Fairy Fun; Aug. 16 Prairie Insects; Aug. 23 Stream Table; and Aug. 30 Dragonflies. To see a list and more details of upcoming Fundays activities go to threeriversparks.org/parks/north-mississippi-park/kroening-interpretive-center.aspx or call
763-694-7693 for more information.