There’s now one place for families to find out about the extensive summer programming being offered city-wide to Minneapolis’ youth and youngest community members, many free of cost.
Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board (YCB) launched a new website, whatsup612.com where residents can find a multitude of activities for youth ages five to 21. Online, residents can sign up for everything from daily camps offered by the city, to out-of-school-education programs, to free summer meals.
What’s Up 612! brings together afterschool opportunities offered by the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board and community organizations.
The website is one component of the YCB Minneapolis Afterschool Network, the citywide out-of-school time system created to ensure all of Minneapolis young people have access to the kinds of comprehensive, high quality afterschool programs that support positive youth development, educational achievement, and career and community readiness. YCB developed this tool not only for connecting parents, youth, educators and youth workers with out-of-school time activities, but also for addressing and shrinking the opportunity gap.
To raise awareness of What’s Up 612! and continue to promote the message of “Afterschool and Beyond,” there will be a number of events taking place this summer. Be on the lookout for tutorials, citywide marketing and public service announcements promoting the importance of afterschool engagement and resources.
In addition, users have the opportunity to offer suggestions, connect with fellow users via social media as well as participate in community activities and events. Community program providers are encouraged to submit program content to keep the program finder up-to-date with new and exciting opportunities.
To find things to do in the 612! Visit whatsup612.com. For more info contact YCB Afterschool Project Director, Fatima Muhammad at 612-673-2131or fatima.muhammad@minneapolismn.gov.
June 5, 2015 (MINNEAPOLIS) Today as classes wind down for the school year, Mayor Hodges
“Minneapolis has made a huge effort to ensure that our youth and youngest residents can have a happy, healthy, and productive summer,” said Mayor Betsy Hodges. “Every child, teenager, and young adult can find something to spark their interest and passions, and now it’s all online at their fingertips. Thanks to YCB and its partners for putting together a great summer for kids across the City.”
The programming is a joint collaboration between YCB, Minneapo