On a recent Monday morning I grabbed the Star Tribune to see what’s new after the weekend. Fortunately for me, having flunked remedial reading classes even through college, that day’s paper had most everything I wanted to read in just one section, Section A.
The first thing that met my eye was the face of a hippopotamus. There were people in the picture, too, but just hanging onto the other end of it! In like manner, I headed for the back page first to see if any of my friends have written letters to the editor. None there this time, nevertheless I liked the clip showing some clear script from the Magna Carta. I couldn’t read it at all because it’s looked like it was written in Latin. I’d do better if it was in Greek! There was a long letter championing the advantages of a good liberal arts education by Maria Bell of Golden Valley, and other letters about some twists on daily challenging issues.
A flick back to inside the front page lead me to scientific news about the spacecraft that landed on a comet, and a medical article reporting on return visits people are making to the emergency room. I did “skim,” as they tried to teach me to do in remedial reading classes, between the front and the back pages, and, just to save column inches here in the Camden News, I’ll just note the Strib article honoring Gabrielle Giffords by naming a remarkable, new US Navy ship after her.
The Camden News is sort of, but not completely, like the Monday Strib. There’s little or no room for bad news, only the good and most interesting. The bad news gets old in one day, and we get so inundated with it!
John Bispala