Communities are full of people who are working tirelessly to achieve goals all for the good of the community. Communities bring people together by organizing block clubs, ice cream socials, movies and concerts on the Drive. All of these activities have brought all of us closer together as both a community and a family. Communities are made of strong bonds and I firmly believe that my Camden Community is an example of that. People here are kind and very willing to lend a helping hand if needed. For example, the members of the United Christian Fellowship Church went around the neighborhood raking leaves in people’s yard in an effort to make our community more beautiful. The St. Austin’s Church also hosts the Bridget’s table once a month in an effort to bring community members together to share a meal, and to form a deeper sense of community.
Most recently, social media has also brought us closer together as a community. Each neighborhood has its own Facebook page, making it easier than ever before to connect with neighbors and meet new neighbors. Also, by utilizing those Facebook pages, neighbors can find out what is happening in their neighborhood such as garage sales, health fairs, lost pets, and the location of food trucks. The neighborhood Facebook pages are also being used to alert the community about crime in their neighborhood such as break-ins, stolen vehicles and suspicious activities. Communities are also using the neighborhood Facebook pages to organize group activities such as biking routes, yoga groups and neighborhood cleanup days.
While no community is perfect, Camden is a growing community filled with wonderful diverse neighbors. There are plenty of events and activities for young and old to participate in. So take time to get to know your neighbors and see for yourself what unique people the Camdenites are.
Editor’s note: Kiana Brown is a student at Patrick Henry High.